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The Personnel Department performs the following functions:

1. Manpower Planning and Management.
2. Recruitment and Selection of Employees.
3. Job analysis and job evaluation.
4. Performance appraisal.
5. Induction, Placement and Training.
6. Office time management and maintenance of Service Book.
7. Staff Welfare Services.
8. Industrial Relations and collective bargaining.
9. Disciplinary matters and grievance handling.
10.Compliance with statuatory Provisions/Govt. Directives/notifications under various Industrial Labour Legislations.
11.Promotion, transfer and posting of employees.
12.Pay fixation and allied matters.
13.Framing of personnel policy/guideline and bye laws/regulations etc. related to personnel management and Administrative reforms.
14.Co-ordination with difference departments in connection with manpower administration and administrative reforms.
15.Preparationof gradation list and maintenance of leave account.
16.Liasion with appropriate Govt. authorities and other authorities attending courts/tribunals on behalf of the authority on matters related to Personnel administration and administrative reforms.
17.Any other functions related to personnel management and administrative reforms as will be entrusted by the Authority from time to time.

Personnel Department maintains service records of about 3000 regular employees employed under different departments, Borough Offices, Water Treatment Plant and other Unit offices of this Corporation. Personnel Department also maintains the service and establishment matters of contractual and daily wages employees.


A full-fledged personnel Department was found in July 1997 to deal with the entire Personnel Management and allied matters related to administrative reforms.  Personnel Department is headed by Personnel Officer. Personnel department looks after all facets of Human Resource Functions and related establishment matter of the main office and the other unit offices of this Corporation.

Activities of Personnel Department are carried out by two sections i.e.

{i) Personnel Administration

(ii) Establishment section


This sections looks after entire recruitment selection, man -power management and planning, performance appraisal, industrial relations, disciplinary matters, grievance handling, promotion, transfer, training, complaint with statutory provisions, government directives ,Coordination with different departments in connection with man- power management and administrative reforms, preparation of gradation  lists, staff welfare activities, collective bargaining and liaison with the government ,attending court cases related personnel matters and framing of personnel policies, service regulations etc.

 The recruitment process is also done by the Personnel department.

  Establishment Sections

This section mainly maintains service records of about 4000 (Four thousand) Nos employees and responsible for recording of leave, maintenance of service books, payroll administration, pay fixation and allied matters.

Contact person:

   Sri Somnath Das
   Personnel Officer and Head of Personnel Department

Office address :   Howrah Municipal Corporation
    Annexe Building
    4, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Howrah-711101.

Phone No :   (033) 2638-3211/12/13; Extn: 231 (O)
    (033) 2571-7115 (R)

    +91-98316-45942 (M)


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